Here's a list of the major meteor showers for 2012 (as borrowed from Sky And Telescope online)
Shower Radiant and direction, Morning of maximum, Predicted Hourly rate
Quadrantid Draco (NE), Jan. 4, 60-120 per hour
Lyrid Lyra (E), Apr. 22, 10-20 per hour
Aquarid* Aquarius (E), May 5, 20-40 per hour
Boötid Boötes (NW) June 27, 10-40 per hour
Aquarid* Aquarius (S) July 28, 20 per hour
Perseid Perseus (NE) Aug. 12, 60-80 per hour
Orionid Orion (SE) Oct. 21, 10-20 per hour
Leonid Leo (E) Nov. 17, 10-20 per hour
Geminid Gemini (S) Dec. 14, 100 per hour
* Moonlight will wash out fainter meteors in these showers.
Shower Radiant and direction, Morning of maximum, Predicted Hourly rate
Quadrantid Draco (NE), Jan. 4, 60-120 per hour
Lyrid Lyra (E), Apr. 22, 10-20 per hour
Aquarid* Aquarius (E), May 5, 20-40 per hour
Boötid Boötes (NW) June 27, 10-40 per hour
Aquarid* Aquarius (S) July 28, 20 per hour
Perseid Perseus (NE) Aug. 12, 60-80 per hour
Orionid Orion (SE) Oct. 21, 10-20 per hour
Leonid Leo (E) Nov. 17, 10-20 per hour
Geminid Gemini (S) Dec. 14, 100 per hour
* Moonlight will wash out fainter meteors in these showers.